ProblemWithTrouble's Person of Interest Fics

Harold Finch/Nathan Ingram

it's shaking the sky and i'm following lightning


Date Posted:June 13, 2021

Pairings:Harold Finch/Nathan Ingram

Characters:Nathan Ingram, Harold Finch, John Reese, Will Ingram

Additional Tags:Nathan Ingram Lives, Getting Together, Pining

Word Count:9673


Summary:Nathan was late for the meeting at the ferry and survived. When he wakes up from his coma he finds out that Harold has faked both of their deaths and they must rebuild their lives while saving the numbers.

Excerpt:As the weeks passed and he calmed down, he could admit that being fake dead was still better than being real dead. Harold had made the right call, and maybe Nathan would have made that call too. It made the days pass easier to believe that. Though it didn't make the nights he spent alone sitting in a stranger's loft scrolling through his son's sparse Twitter feed any easier. But the anger was fading.




Date Posted:October 2, 2021


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:

Word Count:100


Summary:John is hurt. Harold is unhappy about it.

Excerpt:"How many times are we going to have this conversation?" Harold asked while carefully cleaning the knife wound on John's left shoulder.

Hold Courage To Your Chest


Date Posted:May 15, 2020


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch, Sameen Shaw

Additional Tags:, Aftermath of Torture

Word Count:3642


Summary:John is captured and thinks that no one will come to save him but nether Finch or Shaw are about to abandon him.

Excerpt:When he woke again he wasn't in the hospital anymore. He was laying in the hospital bed in the back room of the safe house with Bear nudging his hand every few seconds with his nose. Finch was sitting next to him sipping a cup of tea.

Uninvited Guest


Date Posted:Jan 14, 2020


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:Pining

Word Count:6281


Summary:A person isn't destined to be with one person. Most people have multiple soul mates, a person who you literally share a part of your brain with. A person you are connected forever, even when the connection fades.

Excerpt:When Harold brought John in, he had already been on bond suppressants for years. Ever since he had faked his death and Grace needed to think he was dead. The first few months he still felt the grief pouring out from her mind to his, muffled and distant. Some days he was tempted to ignore the orange plastic bottle on his counter just to see what she was up to, but he knew the risk was too great. Before he could get a clear thought from her the suppressants would have to completely wear off, and she would have known he was alive long before that happened.

Kill Them


Date Posted:Aug 20, 2019


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch, Grace Hendricks

Additional Tags:Angst

Word Count:408


Summary:John thinks about Grace's kidnapping and what Harold said.

Excerpt:The words ricocheted around John's mind like a stray bullet that wouldn't lose momentum. The same man who had asked John and Shaw not to kill so often, sometimes to their detriment, had thrown all his own rules out the window as soon as it was Grace on the line.



Date Posted:April 16, 2019


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch, Sameen Shaw

Additional Tags:First Kiss, Miscommunication

Word Count:2143


Summary:John finds one of Finch's safehouses in upstate New York but hidden inside is a marriage certificate, engraved rings, and photos of the two together. As if they were actually married.

Excerpt:"Once to me, as you found. Once to Ms. Shaw, once to Root - she found it very amusing that you were married to Ms. Shaw and decided that you should be married to her as well. Once to Detective Fusco, as well as to Ms. Morgan, and Detective Carter." Harold didn't quite smile but there was a playfulness in his eyes that almost made John's lips twitch up.

Miracle in the Library


Date Posted:December 14, 2018


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:

Word Count:1821


Summary:Harold drags John along for some festive movie seeing only to discover what John would rather have kept unspoken.

Excerpt:Harold froze with his hands in the middle of tying the knot of his scarf and stared at him like John had grown a second head. "No, Mr. Reese. Seeing as she's a fictional character. Have you never seen Miracle on 34th street?"

A Certain Step Towards Falling In Love


Date Posted:November 24, 2018


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch, Sameen Shaw, Lionel Fusco, Nathan Ingram, Joss Carter

Additional Tags:First Kiss, Pining, Miscommunication

Word Count:22443


Summary:John Reese is content with his life as a Regency era bachelor until he gets new neighbors in Netherfield and now he can't stop thinking about the trio that moved it - Ingram, Root, and Finch. Mostly he can't stop thinking about Finch and how he knows so much about all of them.

Excerpt:"A new family just moved into Netherfield and all we know about them is their names. Ingram, Root, and Finch." Shaw grinned as she issued her challenge to John. "That and they will be at the dance tonight."

Paper Hearts


Date Posted:April 10, 2018


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:First Kiss, Pining, First Time

Word Count:4746


Summary:When John decorates for Valentine's Day Harold quickly realizes that it's only the start.

Excerpt:"Did you decorate for Valentine's Day?"



Date Posted:April 4, 2018


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:Pining, Angst

Word Count:505


Summary:That was just how they worked.

Excerpt:John never hesitated to make his own attraction obvious. He brought breakfast, he touched whenever he thought he could get away with it, and he threatened anyone who looked a little too long at Harold.

A Touch Closer


Date Posted:March 15, 2018


Characters:John Reese, Harold Finch

Additional Tags:First Kiss, Pining

Word Count:4919


Summary:John discovers that Harold occasionally pays for sex and becomes...fixated.

Excerpt:"If your intention is to try and embarrass me you will find that very difficult," Finch said, his voice as relaxed as it ever got. It grated against John's nerves.

It Happened


Date Posted:December 12, 2017


Characters:Harold Finch, John Reese

Additional Tags:Alternate Universe BDSM, Dom Harold, Sub John

Word Count:2996


Summary:Sub!John drops and Dom!Harold helps him out.

Excerpt:It shouldn't have happened. John was a grown ass Sub; he should have been able to overcome something as trivial as his own biology.